Humphreys Signs Ordering
Humphreys Signs approached us (having been a long term client) regarding their current workflow for taking customer orders.
Having the lions share of the market in the estate agent sign printing business in North Wales, they have a large amount of orders processing on a day to day basis. When they approached us, they were taking all orders via email and phone, and then having to process them individually into their Access database.
Their aim was to move all of their existing clients and data to an online ordering system. Unfortunately nothing existed that would tie in with this, so they asked us to develop them a bespoke ordering system.
We're not going to say it was easy, but after a hard graft, a lot of tlc and some major elbow grease we built their system.
The major features include:
- Online ordering
- Invoicing and Credit Notes
- Secure Login
- User Management
- Driver Management
- Product Management
- Address Management
- 'Design a board'
- In depth search facility
- Clever instant address search (by postcode, street, town etc)
- Alerts
- Support and Ticketing system